My favourite film


Hello guys! How are you doing?

We would like to increase our top films by adding some new titles. Can you help us with this? You just have to choose your favourite film and work on three simple activities to let us know about it. 

1. Watch your favourite film in Eglish .🎥
2.  Draw and describe your favourite character (physically and psychologically). 
3. Choose the most representative scenes and create a comic with them. 💬

Be creative and original!

The House with a Clock in Its Walls >> By ANA M. - 1º ESO

The Avengers >> By PALOMA A. - 1º ESO

The 100 >> By MARC M.- 1ºESO

The Maze Runner >> By ÁLVARO R. -1º ESO

Harry Potter >> By PASCUAL M. - 1ºESO

Campeones >> By CARMEN A. - 1º ESO

During the Storm >> By Dafne S. - 1ºESO

Tangled >> ANONYMOUS 1º ESO

The Maze Runner >> By ÁLVARO S. - 1º ESO


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